Beauty Salon Branding and Marketing

DesignerPeople Branding March 16, 2020

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When we think about Mac-Donalds, Coca-Cola, Google or Apple what comes to your minds first their brand logo of apple, mascots for Mac-Donalds, or Red colour associated with brand Coke, this is how you sense the brand. That's because a brand is more than just a label and logo. The overall


Complete Guide to Fitness(GYM) Branding and Marketing

DesignerPeople Branding November 9, 2019

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When we today sit and discuss with our grandparents it is prevalent them saying things such as, "They breathed in the fresh air". There was a lot of greenery, vegetables and fruits other eatables consumed were without pesticides. Hence these are things which made them stay fit and healthy those days. Today global warming, pollution, preservatives, and industrialization have poorly impacted on our immune system. We fall sick, fatigue and tired soon; hence, people are shifting towards a healthy lifestyle.