Brand Differentiation – designerpeople designerpeople Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:16:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Brand Differentiation – designerpeople 32 32 10 Revolutionary Brand Design Trends to Reshape Businesses in 2024 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 12:41:33 +0000

Let’s admit it. We design buffs love keeping up with what’s trending in the design scene. So, while it may seem a little early to hop into the trends of 2024 for you, it actually isn’t. The time has arrived for transitional designs, including minimalistic logos, vibrant colours and more! So, here are the top 10 revolutionary brand design trends in 2024 that you need to watch as we enter another year.

In this fast-paced world of ever-changing designs and trends, you must show your authentic side to your customers. And that can be done only through a solid visual brand identity. Another thing to keep in mind is that most of your audience will likely be trend followers. So, if they’re staying up-to-date with it, why shouldn’t you?

Challenges That Businesses Without A Brand Design Strategy Face

Let’s look at business challenges and pitfalls without any brand design strategy.

1. Your brand won’t be recognised

If your business needs a proper brand design strategy, there are heavy chances that people won’t recognise your brand. So, you must create appropriate visual elements such as logos, colour palettes and typography that will solely be your brand’s identity.

2. There won’t be consistent messaging

Not having a brand design strategy will make your audience scratch their heads and ask, ‘Is it the same brand I saw yesterday?’ Your messages should be manageable and consistent across all platforms.

3. You can’t target a specific audience

An apt brand design plan takes care of what your audience likes and buys. Without such a plan, it’ll be extremely painful for businesses to click with the right crowd in the market.

4. There will be no competitive edge

A solid brand design strategy is the key to winning your customers over and making them return to your brand every time. However, if you overlook it, your products and services won’t have a one-upmanship over other brands.

5. The brand loyalty will be limited

Customers who relate to your products will only stick around for a short time. This disconnect happens when your brand needs a consistent visual identity. In such a case, you’ll find that your customers have shifted their loyalty to a more exciting and reliable brand.

What’s The Next Wave of Brand Design Trends for 2024?

1. Minimalistic logos

Gone are the days when complexity prevailed in the world of design. Nowadays, people like it simple and plain. And 2024 will be no different. In 2024, designers will opt for designs that radiate elegance, sophistication and perpetuity. The focus will be on removing redundant elements, simplifying designs and focusing on clean typography. Minimalistic designs have always been a hit, proved by brands like Nike and Apple.















2. Brand mascots

Do you know what Ronald McDonald and Amul Girl are called? They are called brand mascots. A brand mascot is a character that represents a brand. These characters can be humans, animals or even objects like food items. They help engage customers and provide tie-in identification for your brand. In 2024, we’ll see mascots making a comeback into the design world. Make sure that your brand mascot has a personality that matches your brand identity.













3. Vibrant colours

Unlike the past few years, vibrant and bold colours will dominate the scene in 2024. Vibrant and vivid colours make anyone feel happy and light. They also make your brand look peppy and are easily able to grab attention. So, be ready for a bold and vibrant 2024 with bright neons, electric blues, viva magenta and more.













4. Versatility and adaptability

One of the major brand design trends for 2024 will be versatile and adaptable designs. A versatile design should look good in all colours, no matter where it is used. It should be scalable and look equally good in any proportion. An adaptable design can be adapted to different screen and print sizes. Besides keeping up with tech changes or changing client and user demands, your designs should be cognitively, contextually and emotionally flexible. Due to the appeal of such designs, they will be used by designers globally in 2024.













5. Advertising campaigns with a purpose

In 2024, we’ll see more brands creating purpose-driven ads. Customers want to know what your brand stands for, its vision, and its missions. Things like sustainability, plastic eradication, etc, help people choose one brand over another. People want to see your brand contributing to a positive change and offering them the best products and services.









6. Inclusive icons, photography, and illustrations

There has been increasing awareness about diversity and inclusion in all fields. The advertising and designing landscapes are not behind either. 2024 will see a rise in brands becoming more conscious of inclusive elements such as cultural icons, ethnically diverse pictures and inclusive illustrations.

These elements will aim to represent diverse populations from various backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and abilities. So, stick to a variety of cultural narratives or visual representations. Make your brand the cosy space where everyone feels they belong.





















7. Typography of words in motion

Kinetic typography is an animation mechanism that uses moving text or words in motion to grab attention. They are entertaining and set a tone for your design by adding a complementary layer of energy and significance. Among all the brand design trends for 2024, this one is undoubtedly my favorite. In 2024, you’ll see more and more brands using texts that flow and pulse to rhythm. It’s an interesting way to make your brand stand out. You can make words transition between different colours or experiment with divergent motion wordplay.













8. AI-inspired futuristic designs

Will AI stop popping up in anything and everything? Probably not, at least not until a few more years. Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning have made our lives easy, no doubt about that. You will witness more futuristic designs inspired by AI as we progress into 2024. What do we mean when we say ‘futuristic designs’? Futuristic patterns in graphic design constitute elements that are ultra-modern or have sci-fi elements in them. Some examples are the 80s and 90s synth-wave and vapourwave styles, glitch elements, iridescent backgrounds and holographic gradients.













9. Brand narratives and storytelling

We know that storytelling is the king of content right now. And it will continue to reign not only in 2024 but in the coming years, too. Content that tells a story about your brand or its users will likely gain much more traction than any random content. For example, if you’re a brand that deals with cookies, you can craft stories about family traditions, homemade recipes passed down by mothers, and so on.











10. Promoting sustainability

Sustainability is gaining momentum at a tremendous rate. Almost three-fourths of customers nowadays are ready to pay a higher rate for products if they are sustainable. Most brands are also catching up with the trend. They manufacture products using eco-friendly materials and communicate their sustainable values in future-focused designs. Some brands are taking it further through campaigns addressing bigger social issues like plastic waste and global warming. Most environmentally-focused brands also use clean and simple designs so that the brand message doesn’t get lost amidst all the design hullabaloo.











How Will Businesses Benefit From These Brand Design Trends for 2024?

Branding is one of the most powerful and versatile business tools. Trending branding stratgies helps a business define, shape and then display what its products and services will mean to customers in the long run. Great branding in digital era, makes sure that your brand, products and services look great. Plus, it also ensures that you consistently deliver on your promises. So, don’t wait till tomorrow and start working on the above brand design trends for 2024 now.

Businesses have been reaping the benefits of a strong brand for many years now. So, why will 2024 be any different? Having a substantial brand design will increase your brand recognition and improve customer loyalty to your brand. It also increases the possibility of your customers spreading positive word of mouth. Now, that literally means free marketing!

Investing in building a brand also turns out to be cost-effective eventually. It lowers price sensitivity and increases advertising success for your audience. On the other hand, it also attracts talent for your company. Due to great branding, your reputation will soar, and more people will want to be associated with your organisation as employees. This, in turn, will lead to engaged employees who are proud to work at your company.


So, those were the biggest brand design trends for 2024 and our insights on how to use them for the best outcomes. It’s almost 2024, so it’s high time for you to take the first step in the right direction if you haven’t already. Get ahead of the curve and start implementing them. Keep checking our blogs and get the latest visual references and inspirations to experiment with new styles and design trends. And don’t forget to reach out to us if you need help creating memorable brands!

Better brands start with meaningful conversations

Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

How Branding Agency Differentiate Your Brand from Competitors Mon, 18 Apr 2022 09:23:02 +0000

No matter in which segment you are, you can’t exist in a vacuum as a company. You might have wide competitors that offer a similar type of your products or services. And as an entrepreneur, I’m sure you have wondered how you could differentiate your brand from the competitors.

In the current era of intensified competition in almost every industry, the necessity of branding has increased like never. The market has become saturated, and brands are looking for fresh and inventive methods to stand out from the sea, thus becoming unique from the competitors.

In such a middle, a professional branding agency can help you with the right messaging and place you in the correct position. Thus, developing a competitive advantage from competitors also helps achieve rapid, constant and scalable growth.

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What is Brand Differentiation?

What is Brand Differentiation?

Before getting into brand differentiation, we can understand the definition of brand. A brand is simply a business or selling concept that helps users to identify your product or services from other existing entities in the market.

Brand differentiation is the central aspect of a brand marketing strategy. In simple terms, it is the process of showcasing to the world how your business is special or unique from other similar brands. It empowers companies to disclose their fruitful qualities that help generate a unique selling proposition.

For example, just look into the reality; when you go to a supermarket or search on Amazon for face wash products, you can see thousands of brands in the same criteria. Thus, differentiating your unique qualities and implementing strategies can help you gain a competitive advantage over your rivals.

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Also Read: Design Agency Process for Successful Creative Workflow

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How Branding Agency Stand out Your Brand

Now let’s discuss how a branding agency helps stand out your brand in the market:

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1. Strong Brand Naming:

Strong Brand Naming

Your business name is the foundation of your brand identity. Selecting the right name for your business can be one of the most critical elements of developing a solid brand. To avoid such naming mistakes, you can approach a professional brand naming agency that guides you to choose the perfect business name.

You’ll get random, collective, clichéd names from online business name generators, but as a naming agency, DesignerPeople have an expert team who will help in generating unique & innovative names that meet your company’s purpose.

When choosing a brand name, your name should indicate who you are, your purpose and the brand message. Always make the name short, easy to pronounce and memorable. Also, while considering the brand name and if your goal is to build a global brand, make sure that the name isn’t related with any negative undertone across all regions.

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2. Meaningful Brand Story:

Meaningful Brand Story

A brand story is a form of cohesive narration that includes facts, feelings, and emotions built by your business. The central focus of the story is on telling than showing. Your brand should be something that has an emotional and positive reaction.

We all have sweet memories of our parents or grandparents telling stories about our childhood, and when we look back now, there’s a cherished remembrance of those memories.

The only thing we frequently recall by both current and next-generation is stories. Similarly, stories have the potential to create lasting impressions on business. As humans, emotions are the heart of any business; connecting a customer’s mindset through your story results in long-term commitment towards the brand.

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3. Create Visual Identity:

Create Visual Identity

Creating a visual identity is one of the significant elements of branding. An excellent visual identity design improvises the recognised quality, value, and impression of a brand and heavily impacts customers’ buying decisions. It reinforces brand recognition and remembrance in the customer’s mindset.

Analysing the importance of branding, almost 80% of businesses started their marketing strategies and embraced a brand identity strategy that diverged on a design focus approach like never before. Seeing the tremendous result, companies make decisions to make massive investments in designing their visual identity hugely.

Strong brand identity design engages clients by displaying who you are and why your products or services are better than competitors.

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4. Unique Product Design:

Unique Product Design

Do you think a unique product design can expand the future of your business? Yes, the design of the product is an outline of a product that will be developed. It is vital to mould the product engaging to the audience in product design marketing.

Suppose, when an individual gets into a store, they face a wide variety of products or services, but what prompts their decision to choose one product over another is “product differentiation”.

Product design is one of the best methods you can go for – it’s both an art and a science. Product differentiation is not just about the inner elements, and it can also be how you make it different from the external components. Even if you don’t have a solid brand USP, differentiating products help you gain market share.

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5. Brand Communication (Internal & External Branding):


The first phase of your brand communication needs to be done internally. Effective brand communication leads to setting up a dominant connection between the employees and brand, especially the products or services you sell. Your employees are the representatives who put life into your brand by approaching the target customers.

Unless the internal team gets this connection, they won’t meet the expectations set by your marketing plan. So, it’s the first aspect you need to implement once you establish the brand.

The second phase is external communication, i.e. telling who you are to the target audience. Consumers hold the success of your brand, and you can achieve them only through effective communication. If the total brand communication is definitive and hits the target users at the proper time, you win the race.

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6. Strong Marketing Design:Strong Marketing Design

As one of the most distinctive and critical types of graphic design, marketing design is becoming important in the current scenario. The soul of branding and marketing is visual design. Yeah, it’s not an easy task, but no matter how good and innovative your idea is, it won’t be mostly successful if it doesn’t catch the customer’s attention at first sight.

So, to make your brand distinct from competitors, you need to have a solid marketing design and material that is innovative, creative and stand out. Though a solid marketing design aims to grab customers’ attention, it reinforces the brand identity through constant messaging and visual language. An effective marketing design improves a brand’s perception, visibility, and, eventually, commercial success.

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In an era where new ventures pop up daily, finding strategies to differentiate your brand is significantly important. If customers don’t find your product unique, they’ll leave your brand and for an alternative option.

If you achieve the goal of brand differentiation, you will start to shine, and consumers will rapidly take notice. If you give attention to branding and follow the tips mentioned above, it will give a world-class experience for the target audience.

Achieving more customer satisfaction will lead to more retention and sustainable business growth. If you want to know more about us, you can visit our website and tell us your queries. Also, feel free to put your views in the comment box given below!

Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.Posted in Bottle Label DesignLabel DesignTagged best wine bottle label designbest wine label designBottle label designcreative wine label designdie cut wine label designwine bottle label designwine bottle label design ideaswine bottle packaging designwine illustration designwine label designwine label design company

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