5 Tricks to Build Strong Brand Identity

DesignerPeople Branding October 31, 2019

brand identity, brand identity design, Branding, Branding Agency, Branding Agency Delhi, Branding Agency India, content marketing, creative content marketing, innovative logo design, Logo Design, Logo Design Company, logo design inspiration, offline marketing, online marketing,


Just the way personal identity makes you unique and distinct compared to others, same way even brand has its unique characteristics which make them set apart from their competitors.


Value Proposition–Top Marketing Strategy

DesignerPeople Blog September 3, 2019

Attract More customers, Branding Agency, digital marketing, economic value for business, emotional value for business, end value proposition, Functional value for business, social media marketing, symbolic value, value proposition, why branding important,


Today when we visit any store or mall we find many options available in case of products or services, and we usually end up buying products which we are used to purchasing or if it's providing us with any extraordinary benefit compared to competitors.


Brand Management is Evolving Rapidly, Are You All Prepared?

DesignerPeople Branding August 22, 2019

Agile Method, Brand Design, Brand Establishment, brand identity, Brand Management, Brand management for business success, Branding Agency, branding Research, Waterfall Method, What is Brand Management,


The brand is a promise, and it’s very important that you build it effectively. As a Successful Branding Agency we assume branding is all about investing monetary terms but let me clarify you it’s majorly about spending time and effort effectively. The world is changing rapidly, and the only constant thing is growth and change. So then how brands should make sure to hit every curveball that comes in their direction? Execution of any project has its frameworks and type of methodology, and methodology deals with two types, which is